
Direktlänk till inlägg 29 april 2016

Olivia: piccys

Av emo - 29 april 2016 08:51

Dont know why some them are upside down I just dont have the energy to change it either. Sorry!

Off to karaoke with the whole Melbourne squad!

Ingen bild


29 april 2016 11:45

Klart dom är upp och ned när du är down under 🙃

    Kom ihåg mig



Av emo - 6 september 2016 07:10

Av emo - 5 september 2016 12:27

God damn it I hate packing!! Although I'm leaving like all my stuff so it's not very much to actually pack hehe... Only bringing the stuff I want to have in Asia which is like 3 shirts and a snorkel. :) I don't think Patrick really understood how muc...

Av emo - 5 september 2016 10:18

Hej alla!! So today is our last day in Melbourne. I've spent the day doing some shopping, packing and eating sushi. Tonight I'm meeting up with a friend so my last days seems to be a pretty nice one :) The weekends also been really nice, didnt ...

Av emo - 4 september 2016 05:15

So many beautiful(?) pictures. Was an amazing trip though!! Haha never would I've thought that I would go on a skiing vacation in Melbourne!! ...

Av emo - 4 september 2016 05:04

Good morning! I'm a hungover apple today but I'm alive. Have had an amazing weekend, although pretty much all weekends here in Melbs are amazing! On Friday Me and Patrick went to A1 bakery on Sydney road and conceived some food babies. We had: fal...

Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards